Tuesday, July 21, 2009

diet 7/21

Today I went a little off plan.

I started out strong, hard boiled egg for breakfast. For lunch I met my husband at Mimi's Cafe. There I had a house salad with ranch on the side and the lunch portion of the petit citrus salmon with some kind of greens and strawberries tossed in a balsalmic dressing of some sort. I was less than impressed with my salmon. It was a very small portion and it just wasn't as flavorful as I was hoping/expecting.

The thing that really got me off plan was this..........my child. Ever since he turned 10 months old (last Saturday) he's been a royal terror. Friday he cried nonstop, Saturday he was fussy, Sunday he was somewhat normal, yesterday he was fussy in the afternoon, and well today.......today he was a complete fuss bucket! He is usually great out in public, but when we were at the restaurant he cried and fussed and pouted until someone held him. This little incident sent me running for comfort, comfort from a long lost friend.................chocolate. I went to Target after lunch and thought of all the wonderful things I could sink my teeth into. I even thought about going to Corner Bakery (which is right next door) for a chocolate baby bundt cake. In the end I chose a Snicker's candy bar. No, this wasn't the best choice I probably could have made, but it was a lot better than some of the other thoughts running through my head. So, I ate every bite of that candy bar and enjoyed it to the fullest. I did indeed feel quite a bit better afterward. I don't even think I felt guilty about it.

Dinner consisted of grilled broccoli and mushrooms along with 2 very small very petite bacon-wrapped filets. Did I necessarily need 2 filets..........no. I was hungry. Lunch wasn't very satisfying. I also consumed 2 Miller Chills...................thus far. I'm sure I may have another one later on or a cranberry juice with blueberry vodka. We shall see.

All in all I don't think I did too horribly on my diet today. I did not work out at all, so that will probably hinder me more than my food choices did. Tomorrow should be a regular day and I should be able to exercise. I'm not too worried about it at this point. I've got Wednesday and Thursday to do really good (I weigh myself for record on Friday mornings).

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