Thursday, July 23, 2009


I've done very well on my diet today even though I started out very frustrated. I still stuck to it. Breakfast was a hard boiled egg, lunch homemade tuna salad sandwich with 100 calorie bag of popcorn, dinner stir fry chicken with brown rice. I've had one glass of wine and I plan on having a full fledged crown and coke later on. I haven't had one of those in quite a while, so I'm going to tonight. I also did my walk away the pounds dvd.

This weekend we are going to my parents. I'm hoping that the food temptations will not be super strong; i know my mom will probably bake at least one dessert if not two.

I came up with an idea to increase my cardio and I'm going to go ahead and publish it. If I actually write it out, then I have a higher chance of following through with it. My plan is for the next three weeks to get up around 6 give or take a snooze or two and go for a walk/jog around my neighborhood every morning, Monday through Friday. In addition, I will also continue doing my walk away the pounds dvd during the day if possible. I've got to get this weight off and I really think adding the extra exercise will definitely help. So there it is. Starting on Monday I'm going for a walk/jog in the morning. P.S. I'm not at all a morning person!

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