Wednesday, June 25, 2008


webster defines it as the force generated by a person's actions held in Hinduism and Buddhism to perpetuate transmigration and in its ethical consequences to determine the nature of the person's next existence............the force generated by a person's actions.................basically if you do good, good comes to you and if you do bad, well then eventually sooner or later, you're gonna get fucked.

I do not claim to be a do gooder. I'm not a goody good and I don't ever want to be, but at the same time, I'm not a bad person either. I'm happily somewhere in the middle (but closer to good than to bad I think). So why am i getting bad when i'm not putting out bad?

For instance, what seems like forever ago, I got into a small little car accident and it was not my fault. I got in touch with my insurance and the lady's insurance and filed a claim on her insurance for the damages she did to my car. Well apparently if you dodge phone calls from your insurance company, eventually they will just give up, and advice you (the innocent one) to claim the damage on your insurance. I thought that this was completely ludacris (you know, like the rapper) and said basically.....HELL NO. So finally the insurance company did get in touch with the she-devil and they mailed me a check for the damages done along with an estimate about what it was going to take to fix it.

So I finally decide to go get my car fixed yesterday. The auto repair shop told me that it would be about 900.00 to fix the damages done and I wanted to jump for joy. Maybe there was in fact karma and justice in the world, because the insurance company had issued me a check for a little over 1600.00 to repair the damages. Of course I jumped right on it and did a happy dance in my head due to the fact that I would be saving 700.00...........not really saving, but getting 700.00 from the insurance company to do with as I pleased. HOORAY!!!! I thought.

This morning the repair guy called and said that the damage was more extensive than what he thought it was and it would cost more than the 900.00 he quoted me. Immediately I was saddened, and a little panicked. What if it cost more than 1600.00 to fix my damn car? What then? Finally a few minutes ago, he called back and said it was going to be closer to 1500.00 to fix my car. :( No bonus for me this time. No karma saying, "we realize the accident was not your fault, and all the trouble you had to go through was a pain in the ass, here's a little bonus!" No, no, karma did not say that. Instead, karma said, "hey you got hit by some crazy ass lady, and you should be thankful that you're getting it fixed on her dime instead of yours. stop whining you cry baby!"

But I want it to be known that I am not complaining about this. I am perfectly fine with having to pay 1500.00 for the repairs. I AM NOT COMPLAINING. Did you hear that karma?

Monday, June 23, 2008

lovers of language and literature

a couple of cool finds..........

spelling bee from
this gives you the definition and how it sounds phonetically, then you have to figure out how to spell it. it is wayyy harder than what it sounds.

word of the day at
good ol words we never use. (there's all kinds of cool stuff on this website.)

book ideas/recommendations, etc.

book ideas/recommendations, classes, etc.

just thought i'd share my finds with the rest of you language and lit lovers.

worst luck ever

Today I had to go over to my mother-in-law's new house to wait for Best Buy to deliver her new refridgerator. They said they would be there between 2-4pm today, so I decided to head over a little early so I could lay out by the pool before they got there. I gathered all of my stuff and walked on out to the pool. I got out one of the floaty things and got in the water. I was just relaxing and having a good ol' time. At about 1:50 I decide I should go ahead and go back up to the house so I could hear the delivery men arrive. I walk up to the back door and go to turn the handle and realize that I locked myself out of the damn house! I knew I had locked the front door, but decided to walk around front just in case a small miracle had occured and I hadn't locked it. Sure enough, I did. I was locked out of the house and the delivery men were scheduled to be dropping off her fridge between 2-4. Panicked I call my husband and tell him "Don't be mad, but I kinda locked myself out of your mom's house." He said he'd head that way to unlock the door and let me back in. I waited for about five minutes and then my phone rang and it was my mother-in-law asking if the delivery men were there yet. I explained to her the situation as I was walking around to the front of the house to see if they were actually here yet. Sure enough they were. She said she'd be there in about 5 mins. to unlock the door and let both me and the delivery men in. I went and told them that basically I was a moron and somehow locked myself out of the house, but the owner would be here in like five minutes to let all of us in..........please just wait. Thank God they actually waited and didn't decide to "come back later". She showed up in record speed and let everyone in. I cannot tell you how stupid I felt with the whole ordeal. My one job for the day was to be at the house when the delivery men showed up to deliver the fridge. Apparently I can't even handle that! So from now on, if I go out to the pool alone........unsupervised.........I will be bringing my keys along with my cell phone. It was purely by the grace of God that I had my cell phone because I seriously contemplated not taking it out to the pool with me. Today was definitely a Monday! Geez..........

Sunday, June 22, 2008

This is my good friend Jen. She can write a funny word or two herself.

Guilty Pleasures

I saw this on Jen Ross's blog and thought I'd delve into the wonderful world of guilty pleasures myself.

Let's see....................what are my guilty pleasures?

1. Cussing. This has got to be my favorite. I love to cuss. Cussing makes you feel better when you stub your toe, when you finally get to the lunch lounge and can call some student an ignorant little fuck, when you're cut off by some dumb ass on the street and can come up with some pretty creative curse words..............what's not to love about cussing.

2. Coffee. Now I know most of you are probably thinking, big deal, coffee, who doesn't love a good cup of coffee, but remember I'm a pregnant woman and I'm not really technically supposed to have much caffeine, if any at all, so I can safely say that coffee is a guilty pleasure. Especially the expensive kind like Starbucks or America's Best Coffee. When you pay $4 for a 16-20 oz. cup of coffee, I'd say that's a guilty pleasure.

3. Gossip. My good friend Jen forgot this one on her blog about guilty pleasures, but I know she is a big fan of this as well. What can I say, I love gossip. I love to hear other people's gossip and I like to gossip on my own. I teach in a high school and I really think that the teachers gossip more than the students do. Thankfully I have this one teacher friend who somehow knows all the gossip there is to know, and well, since she's my friend, she shares all the gory details. Gossip=Good.

4. The Hills. I know its not on t.v. right now because they are in between seasons, but MTV's reality show about Lauren from Laguna Beach is definitely one of my guilty pleasures. She's probably at least three or four years my minor, but her life is so interesting to me. She gets into spats and tiffs with people and she has boy trouble along the way, and some roommate issues as well. What's not to love?

Gee, I'm really surprised I couldn't come up with anything else on my list of guilty pleasures. I guess I'm more angelic than I thought I was!

P.S. Alcohol should definitely be one of my guilty pleasures, but since I'm pregnant, I can't indulge in that currently, so instead of making myself drool by writing about the different types of drinks I like, I thought I would just leave it off altogether.

Saturday, June 21, 2008


I have had some of the craziest dreams the last few months (my friends and husband can attest to their weirdness because I always share) and most people attribute my weird dreams to the fact that I'm pregnant. Apparently, pregnant women have some really odd dreams. (But I think my dreams were always weird) I can usually remember them quite well and in detail for a while after waking, which is a hard thing to do for me normally. So, the other day I was flipping through one of my many different versions of "What to Expect When You're Expecting" book, and stumbled across a section about strange dreams. I I might actually get some help or explanations to some of my crazy ass dreams. So I read the little page and a half article about pregnant women and their dreams and I read through all of the "popular" strange dreams pregnant women report having to see if any of mine fell into any of those categories so I could figure out what my dreams "meant" dreams didn't match ANY of the categories. None! Of course in the book there were different variations of anxiety about baby or money problems or not being in control, etc. etc., but none fit my strange ass dreams! I was so disappointed. I need answers damn it.

One of my funniest dreams I have ever had involved my husband cheating on me. Now most people would think that this would not be a pleasant and definitely not a funny dream, but the way it all played out was hilarious to me. I've never had a dream about my spouse being unfaithful until this one................

Cliff Note's version.................I found out he was cheating on me with some girl I did not know (thankfully) and that this girl was his girlfriend as he put it and he had no intention of getting rid of her. I told him that this was unacceptable and that I could not live with him when he's cheating on me, so I told him to pick basically, and well he decided that he couldn't give up his girlfriend of two months, so I said that he had to go back to our place and pack up his crap and get the hell out. He didn't seem to mind too much, in fact, he told me that he and his girlfriend were planning a vacation trip anyway and this would just make it easier because he wouldn't have to lie about why he was gone for a week. So he packed up a suitcase full of his possessions and left. I was so mad at him for cheating on me and being such a jerk! (as I'm sure any girl in her right mind would be) Well apparently he and his girlfriend got on a plane and were flying to their tropical vacation location when horribly (for them) their plane crashed on a deserted island. (Did I mention the fact that I had just started watching the series Lost when I had this dream?) So there they were stranded on a deserted island with a few other people not knowing what to do. Andy (my spouse) decided to see if per chance his cell phone was working and if he had a signal. He had a very slight signal and it was somewhat working. The catch was that the only number he could dial was my number. So he tried calling me to tell me what had happened, and I was still pissed off at him for running off with some floozy that I saw he was calling me and I hit ignore. He tried and tried to call and I just kept hitting ignore. Teach you to cheat on me you jack ass!!! Now you can understand why my spouse cheating on me in a dream was actually funny!

Sharing your dreams with other people can be a bit odd. I love sharing my dreams with people, especially when they are funny or when they involve the person you're telling your dream to. But, there are lines that you just don't cross. I would never tell my co-worker that I had a dream about us sleeping together or anything of that sort, because then they might get the wrong idea. How awkward would that be?!..................Hey, so I had this dream last night that you and I were making out when all of a sudden...........etc. etc.......................Then the next day the co-worker you dreamed you made out with now starts acting strangely toward you and asks you out for drinks. There's just some dreams you don't least to certain people. I'm a teacher and I often dream about my students or about a class in general and that is always kind of weird. As if I don't see these children enough during the day, I have to see them in my dream! I can always tell I have anxiety about school when I dream a dream about having zero classroom management and that my students are just ignoring me and doing whatever the hell they want to do. I've had several of those dreams and I always feel like such a horrible teacher in my dream. Then when I get to school I'm paranoid that my dream is somehow going to come true, so I'm superbitch that day and I don't let anyone talk or do anything that could lead to what happened in my dream.

I really think life would be boring without dreams. They really get you to thinking about things and I always try to figure out what they could possibly mean. Most of the time they are so weird, I have no idea where to even start to interpret them.

Friday, June 20, 2008

how i've spent my day thus far

so i rolled out of bed at about noon give or take a few minutes either way only because one of our cats came up to me and put her face right in my face and meowed really loudly. how rude. i don't go up to you in your sleep and meow at you now do i? after i got up i fixed breakfast..........yes it is still breakfast even when it is really lunch time. i'm breaking my fast so it is breakfast! i plopped down on the couch to enjoy my little breakfast and watched some of Paula's Party where she was doing meals from different decades. That was interesting. One of her outifts was inspired by the 80s flick, Flashdance and seeing her in that spandex and attempting those hot dance moves on t.v. and in front of an audience, i decided right then and there that i wasn't half as crazy as what I thought. currently we are out of coffee creamer and have about a teaspoon of milk, so i couldn't fix any coffee. i polished off my breakfast and hopped in my car and drove to starbucks. i came back home and enjoyed my caramel latte as i read my second novel of the summer, New Moon (yes this book is totally a young adult vampire/werewolf love triangle, but what can i say, it's good). Then about 2:30ish i took a shower, followed by more reading. I dried my hair and brushed my teeth afterward. I turned on the t.v. to watch some more foodnetwork and realized the cable was out. i suffered through for a couple of hours without internet or cable and then realized it was back on, so i rushed into the office to check all of my emails and found out i wasn't near as popular as what i'd hoped. then i jumped on here and decided to write about my interesting day! Now it is 5 o'clock and i'm wrapping up my blog not knowing what i'm going to be doing next, but I bet it doesn't involve anything strenuous, as is the trend for this summer break.

to all of you out there reading this, i hope your days are as fun-filled and eventful as mine!

Thursday, June 19, 2008


It has become apparent in the last few months that I am getting old because little things are starting to annoy me now more than ever. For instance, I can't stand loud music....especially rap music being blared out of a cutlass supreme with spinners and a system that costs waaayy more than the actual vehicle. I really don't like crowds..........I don't know of many people who actually enjoy crowds, but I've become one of those people where I won't go to certain places or events because I know its going to be crowded and I'm going to be grumpy. The last thing that really has started to annoy me is drive-thru windows. Let me elaborate.

There are a few aspects of the drive-thru window that just really piss me off.

1. When I am at the speaker box and the restaurant apparently has a pre-recorded person spewing out all the specials or asking if you want to try the new whatever meal, then at the end of the message, the person says "If not, order when you're ready." So I am ready because I've been sitting in line for a while and I know most fast food menus by heart anyway, and when I start spouting off all the things I want and the things I don't want on certain things, I am interrupted by a person saying...........can I take your order or sorry i can't hear you, what did you say you wanted. So then I have to repeat my whole order over again. That irritates me. Don't record "order when you're ready" if you're not going to be ready for me to order!!

2. When the person repeats my order back to me in lightning speed and I'm trying to figure out if what they are repeating to me is what I actually ordered. If I ordered a number one with cheese, no pickles, no onions, with mayo, tater tots, and a large dr. pepper, the order always comes back something i've got a tater tot, large dr. pepper, number one mayo add cheese, minus pickles and onions (by someone who sounds like they are related to one of the chipmunks because they are repeating it so quickly)? would you like to super size that for a quarter more?

3. When I'm ordering (the second time because I already started ordering after they told me to order when I'm ready) and the person taking my order has a brain the size of a gnat and cannot "understand" what I'm saying. I interpret that to mean, I wasn't paying attention cause I was checking out the new fry girl. Then I have to repeat my order all over again for a third time, or even worse I think, is when they get about half of your order and you can't tell if its the first half or the second half. Am I gonna end up with two hamburgers and no fries or drinks or am I gonna end up with two fries and two drinks and no hamburgers?

4. The lack of enthusiasm by the drive-thru order takers. I know it must be very daunting to repeat the same phrase over and over, but seriously, you chose to work at burger hut, so get used to saying, do you want ketchup with that..........and make it in a PLEASANT voice. at least fake like you enjoy working there.

5. (This one is the one that annoys me the most.) When I give you my money in a very orderly manner and you hand me my money back to me in this order: paper money, receipt, change balancing on top of pile waiting to fall off at any given minute. how is that natural? i have spent time working in retail and i never did this. i always handed the person the loose change first.....waited for them to get that situated, and then handed them the paper money and receipt if they wanted it. having the change piled on top like that is a recipe for disaster. i've dropped change in a drive thru before and i've never gotten it.....i just drive off and leave it there. maybe its all a scheme to have people drop their change and then the workers go out in shifts and collect all the money that has fallen and they split it. i don't know, but it sure pisses me off.

That is my short little rant about how much drive thru windows suck. i hope you enjoyed it.

Summer break

The great benefit about being a teacher is that I get a summer break. Now granted, my summer break this summer isn't as long as last summer because we got out later this year, but hey, two solid months of doing nothing isn't something to complain about.

I've been out of school since June 5th and yesterday June 18th I was already thinking about school. Pathetic huh? Is teaching such my calling that I think about it all the time (not all the time really, because that would drive me insane........well, more so than I already am)? I mean seriously I'm out of school for thirteen whole days and I'm already thinking about what novels I'm going to teach and what I'm going to do when I go on maternity leave and can't control every aspect of my classroom. Yikes! I don't even want to think about it. Yes, I'm a bit of a control freak and neat freak. I like the way I do things and I think everyone should do it my way. I'm just experienced is all. There I was staring off into space thinking about what novel I should have my substitute teach (when I'm on maternity leave for a minimum of six weeks) and I freak out and think...........There is no way in hell I'm letting a substitute teach something like Of Mice and Men........I mean who is going to do all the voices like I do. He/She won't know how Lennie is supposed to sound. Maybe I can start with Julius Caesar. Never really liked Caesar anyway.......and that is just for my Sophomores. Don't get me started on my Juniors. Is a substitute capable of teaching The Crucible?

I know I should just not care about things like that and that I should just relax and let whatever is going to happen happen, but here I am on my summer break which I've longed for since Christmas break, thinking about school. Blast!

Another thing to add about summer break........

I feel worthless. Probably because I have become worthless since June 5th, but I seriously feel worthless..........I have no purpose in life. There is nothing stopping me from sleeping til noon everyday and watching food network, tlc, and lmn all day long (at least til my husband gets home). I feel so lost. I have all this time on my hands and nothing really to do with it. Since we are expecting our first, I have been cleaning out closets and re-organizing things in our house to make room for baby, but the list of things to do isn't that long, and in my head I have all the time in the world. When I was working I actually had things to accomplish after school. Now I have nothing to accomplish. I contemplated getting a summer job, but then reminded myself that I'm six months pregnant and I want to enjoy this peace and quiet for as long as I can because I probably will never feel this way again after the baby gets here. When that happens there won't be enough time in the world for me to get done all the things that need to be done.


Okay so let's see............about me............I'm so complex this could take a while.

Basic info:

Female, 25, married, pregnant, teacher, loves include coffee, reading, alcoholic beverages (which I can't have right now and am missing margaritas, mojitos, and martinis...) gossiping, Green Bay Packers, Brett Favre, George Clooney, Tommy Lee, Jon Bon Jovi, Mark Wahlberg, handbags, shoes, clothes that fit my pregnant belly, AC/DC, classic rock in general, Food Network!!, CSI, Criminal Minds, Moonlight (who doesn't love hot vamps?), Army Wives, Grey's Anatomy, Lost, hmm.............I'll stop with that for now.

I live in the D/FW metroplex and I love being a Texan. I hate the Cowboys however!

I am a high school teacher and that works out for me most of the time. There are periods in which I think working at McDonalds would be a better career choice, but thankfully I have good friends to bitch to and they always listen and make me feel better. And if that doesn't work, there's always alcohol.