Saturday, July 19, 2008

Baby shower

Today my two great friends hosted a baby shower in my honor. It was so great. I had such a good time and enjoyed everyone being there. The two hostesses did a fantastic job with everything and I was so impressed and thankful. I received some really great stuff (I'm very descriptive can't you tell) and got to eat some yummy food as well. What could be better? Thanks to all of you who came and thanks to my two fabulous, fantastic hostesses! I was very impressed.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

4D Ultra Sound

Today Andy and I went to have a 4D ultra sound done. I am officially 31 weeks pregnant and my doctor advised me not to do it after about 34 weeks because there isn't much room in the womb to get a good pic. So we decided to go ahead and do it. It was very cool. I've only had two ultra sounds before this and it was just the plain jane black and white done in the doctor's office. The technician could see and identify everything, but we couldn't make out anything. This one was different. We were able to see the face, the legs, feet, hands, and the part that makes our son a boy. I don't know if he is just camera shy or what, but once again he was asleep during the ultra sound. Maybe this is a sign of things to come..........him actually sleeping. Somehow I doubt that but I can always hope right. The whole experience was great. Very peaceful and relaxing. We could see the baby up on this big projection screen instead of this 11 inch t.v. screen like at the doctor's office. The lady was very polite and helpful in identifying what certain things were. It was a lot of fun and I wish I could have one every day. We got to see him yawn and we got to see him poke himself in the eye with his big toe. Maybe he is a contortionist? Anyway my point is that I am so glad we did it and I encourage everyone that is pregnant or will be pregnant some day to do this. It is well worth it. We were sent home with a DVD of the sonogram and like six black and white pics and two color pics. We were even given a nifty little website subscription. Check it out for some pics.

Friday, July 11, 2008

july 11

Word of the Day

ignominious • \ig-nuh-MIN-ee-us\ • adjective
1 : marked with or characterized by disgrace or shame : dishonorable
2 : deserving of shame or infamy : despicable
*3 : humiliating, degrading

The stick-in-the-mud teacher told her students that "That's what she said" is an ignominous comment that is not appropriate for the classroom.

So I'm bored, what can I say. I thought I could enhance my vocabulary and provide my readers with an enhanced vocabulary as well. I'm such a teacher!

This week has been somewhat uneventful which in my book is usually a good thing. Eventful weeks are usually filled with crappy news, crappy situations, or anything that is just plain crappy.

I finally got my car back on Tuesday. Goodbye minivan! (FYI, it is very difficult to try to type on my blog when my cat is blocking the computer screen.) Also on Tuesday I had to do a three hour long glucose test. This required me to first go to my doctor's office to pick up the order for the test and then I had to go over to LabCorp and get my blood drawn a total of four times. The first blood draw was a cake walk. Then I had to drink a sugary drink that was kind of like orange crush with about thirteen packets of sweet n low added to it. Tasty. After I finished it, I was given a blood draw schedule..........10:50, 11:50, and 12:50. Thankfully I have good veins so they were able to alternate between my arms. After the first blood draw I had to go back out into the tiny waiting room and watch people shuffle in and shuffle out while I sat there waiting for another blood draw. That was basically what happened the whole time I was there. Everyone was leaving except me! (Did I mention this was a fasting blood draw?) I was hungry, irritable, and having to get my blood drawn.........I'm surprised I didn't kill someone while I was in the waiting room because we all know how I feel about waiting. Finally I was able to go home, but I decided to go eat first..........hooray for food. Then I went and dropped off the mommy mobile and picked up my shiny silver PT Cruiser.

Wednesday I went to Kohl's to exchange some maternity clothes my m-i-l bought me that didn't quite fit (a little too snug) and then Andy and I went to Babies R Us to register for baby stuff. That was quite entertaining. My husband is one of those that if it looks cool and we might use it he's gonna scan it. His philosphy is that someone might buy it for us so why don't we go ahead and scan it. I'm more of a needs based shopper. What are the things we need or the things we are going to need? I'll scan those items. All that baby stuff was a bit overwhelming...........where is all of it going to fit in our house?

Thursday I got a haircut.......really a trim actually and I scheduled an appointment for a 4D sonogram which I'm very excited about. We've only had two sonograms at this point so any chance to see our little bundle of joy is exciting to me.

Which brings me to today. I've not left the house yet, but I have actually gotten dressed for the day.

We still need to register at Target which I guess we will do sometime this weekend since my baby shower is next Saturday. I am assuming my blood test came out okay because my doctor never called me with the results............again no news is good news.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

My week = waiting

My week has been a week of waiting. I hate waiting............lines, on people, on information, etc. Waiting has got to be one of the worst things for me. Apparently I am not very skilled in the art of patience. The word patience has sparked my interest into its actual definition. (Since my interest is perked, I fire up and type in the word patience. It takes a little while to load and I notice down at the bottom of my screen it says waiting on this irony or what?) So I finally get to the actual definition of patience and here it is

Main Entry:
13th century
1: the capacity, habit, or fact of being patient

well what exactly is patient...........

Main Entry:
Middle English pacient, from Anglo-French, from Latin patient-, patiens, from present participle of pati to suffer; perhaps akin to Greek pēma suffering
14th century
1: bearing pains or trials calmly or without complaint2: manifesting forbearance under provocation or strain3: not hasty or impetuous4: steadfast despite opposition, difficulty, or adversity5 a: able or willing to bear

ahhh i'm an assured, i'm not a patient person............bearing pains or trials calmly or without complaint? wtf? if you know me at all you know I do enjoy complaining every once in a while, i mean, take a look at the stuff i blog about.........bitch, bitch, bitch!

I digress............

Anyway, I've been impatiently waiting all week long. First, I had to go to the dr.'s office for my two week routine check-up. i knew that i would have to wait a while because i had to do the glucose test for gestational diabetes at this appointment. so to prepare for this, i decided to head over a little early. my appt. wasn't until 2 so i got there around 1:40. the office was swamped. there was a new receptionist that didn't have a clue what was going on and so I finally got my lovely fruity beverage around 1:50. i consumed it in record speed and it actually didn't taste that bad. then i began the waiting process. as the waiting room became more and more packed i noticed that the people that were being called back to see the doc were not coming out. what was going on in there? were they selling them as sex slaves? more waiting. finally the nice girl called me back and i was elated at one moment and scared about the sex slave thing the next moment, but went into the back area, nonetheless. i must say i felt a bit triumphant over the other losers that were still sitting in the waiting room. so i go get on the scale, get my blood pressure taken, and do a piss test..........then the girl tells me to go in the fourth room and what? what was that? oh yeah.................WAIT. so i did. i waited and waited and waited. i didn't bring a book this time and i started cussing at myself for not doing so. then there was a slight knock and it was the nice girl again telling me to come back out and go ahead and get my blood drawn, because it had been an hour already. i did this, then it was back to the waiting in the fourth room. thirty minutes later i finally got to see the doc. she measured my belly and asked how i was feeling and told me which pediatrician she recommended and sent me on my way. All of that waiting for what? ten minutes of doc time! sooo not worth it. That was Monday.

Tuesday. My mother-in-law just moved into a new house not too long ago and she asked if i would mind coming over to wait for two people to show up at the house. One was a guy coming to measure for granite counter tops, the other the phone guy coming to drop another line in one of the bedrooms. Both said they would be there between 8-12. As much as I hated getting up early, I said I would do it. I showed up over there around 9 and began the waiting. A little after 10, the counter top guy came and measured. He was gone in 20 mins. One down, one to go. Since she doesn't have much stuff set up yet, I have limited things to do over there to occupy my time, so I decided to just go to sleep. I woke up a little bit before 12 and still no phone guy. I decided to wait til after 12 to report my findings to MIL. 12:30 and still no phone guy. I call her and tell her the deal, so she calls the phone company. Come to find out, the order was cancelled because there was some mistake when it was originally entered into the system, so nobody was going to be coming out. Well those of you who know my MIL know that that wasn't going to work for her. She bitched and complained enough for them to tell her that they would in fact have someone out at some point (some point is sooo vague) Tuesday. Well apparently all they did was tell her that because no one ever came on Tuesday. Then they said that it would be picked up the next day between 8-5. Gee what a lovely time table!

Wednesday. Same as Tuesday, minus the counter top guy. 12:30 still no phone guy. Tired of waiting for the third day in a row, I called dear old MIL and she got on the phone. She had to wait on hold for over an hour and a half. Finally they told her that yes, someone is scheduled to be out today, but there is no way of knowing when. I basically say Fuck it and stick a note on the door for the phone guy.................."Dear Douche Bag, do not leave you sorry mother fucker. i've been waiting all damn day for you to get your lazy ass out here to drop one damn phone line, so whatever you do, do not leave. Call me and I'll be over here faster than you can say AT&T sucks. P.S. If you leave, I will hunt you down and murder you, your wife, your kids, your mother, and your dog." Okay so it wasn't those words exactly, but you get the idea. I headed home to where there was actually cable t.v. and internet to pass my time with. Around 2:30 my MIL called and said that the phone company called and told her someone was on their way right now and that i needed to get my ass over there asap. I did just that. I hopped into my sweltering hot, black mini-van (its a rental) and hauled ass over to her house killing cats, dogs, small children, whatever got in my way! Sure enough the DB............douche bag for those of you who skipped the part about my love letter............was sitting there in his sorry ass AT&T truck waiting for me. Oh how i would have loved to have made him wait on me for eight fucking hours! But no, the company doesn't have to wait on us, the customer, we have to wait on them, even though we're the ones paying their sorry ass wages! again WTF? So I go in and tell him where it goes and tell him where the attic is and try not to talk to him at all, you know the whole cold shoulder, silent treatment thing! Yes I'm in sixth grade, for those of you who were wondering. He pokes and prods and bangs a few times and comes out and says okay I'm done, do you have any questions. I opened my mouth to let all of the cussing humanly possible come spilling out, but then relaxed and said no, i don't think so. He went on his merry little way and so did I.

The sad thing is that it is only Wednesday. I have three more days of potential waiting to endure. I guess we'll just wait and see what happens!

(If you actually read this whole thing through, I am a bit worried about you. Don't you have anything better to do with your time?)