Thursday, June 19, 2008


Okay so let's see............about me............I'm so complex this could take a while.

Basic info:

Female, 25, married, pregnant, teacher, loves include coffee, reading, alcoholic beverages (which I can't have right now and am missing margaritas, mojitos, and martinis...) gossiping, Green Bay Packers, Brett Favre, George Clooney, Tommy Lee, Jon Bon Jovi, Mark Wahlberg, handbags, shoes, clothes that fit my pregnant belly, AC/DC, classic rock in general, Food Network!!, CSI, Criminal Minds, Moonlight (who doesn't love hot vamps?), Army Wives, Grey's Anatomy, Lost, hmm.............I'll stop with that for now.

I live in the D/FW metroplex and I love being a Texan. I hate the Cowboys however!

I am a high school teacher and that works out for me most of the time. There are periods in which I think working at McDonalds would be a better career choice, but thankfully I have good friends to bitch to and they always listen and make me feel better. And if that doesn't work, there's always alcohol.

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