Wednesday, July 16, 2008

4D Ultra Sound

Today Andy and I went to have a 4D ultra sound done. I am officially 31 weeks pregnant and my doctor advised me not to do it after about 34 weeks because there isn't much room in the womb to get a good pic. So we decided to go ahead and do it. It was very cool. I've only had two ultra sounds before this and it was just the plain jane black and white done in the doctor's office. The technician could see and identify everything, but we couldn't make out anything. This one was different. We were able to see the face, the legs, feet, hands, and the part that makes our son a boy. I don't know if he is just camera shy or what, but once again he was asleep during the ultra sound. Maybe this is a sign of things to come..........him actually sleeping. Somehow I doubt that but I can always hope right. The whole experience was great. Very peaceful and relaxing. We could see the baby up on this big projection screen instead of this 11 inch t.v. screen like at the doctor's office. The lady was very polite and helpful in identifying what certain things were. It was a lot of fun and I wish I could have one every day. We got to see him yawn and we got to see him poke himself in the eye with his big toe. Maybe he is a contortionist? Anyway my point is that I am so glad we did it and I encourage everyone that is pregnant or will be pregnant some day to do this. It is well worth it. We were sent home with a DVD of the sonogram and like six black and white pics and two color pics. We were even given a nifty little website subscription. Check it out for some pics.

1 comment:

Capp said...

Yes it was quite awesome. We also got a CD with about 40 other pictures from the sonogram.

Amazing really doesn't describe it. :)