Wednesday, July 29, 2009

12 more days

Well I've been successful so far on my two mile jogs. I completed it on Monday, yesterday around 9:30am, and this morning at 6:30am. I'm feeling good but very very sore. My thighs are on fire. I always heard that if you exercise when you are sore its supposed to help get rid of your soreness faster, but I don't think that is true at all.

As for food...........yesterday we went to breakfast and I had two eggs over medium, hash browns, and two slices of dry wheat toast. For lunch we were supposed to go to Pappa's Burgers in Ft. Worth but it was very busy when we got there so we decided to go to Uncle Julio's instead. I had two sour cream chicken enchiladas (hey I haven't had those in a looooooooong time and Uncle Julios is amazing) a little bit of mexican rice and a little bit of refried beans......and one flour tortilla. I had some chips and salsa but not nearly as much as I would normally consume. I did not have a sangria or a margarita (I would have taken either in a heartbeat!).

Dinner was a turkey sandwich and steamed squash. The only alcoholic beverage I had was a low calorie margarita.

All in all I think I did pretty darn good. I exercised yesterday so that should help also.

I joined the club that they offer. I'm excited about it. According to my weight (I rounded to 155 for an even number even though I'm really 154.2 but who's counting) and my age and what weight I want to be at, I am supposed to eat 1300 calories a day. I really don't know how many calories I usually consume in a day but I don't think it is more than 1300 honestly. I bet it is pretty darn close.

Anyway for breakfast today I'm going to have 1/2 cup of egg beaters with 1 wedge of laughing cow cheese nuked in the microwave on a 100 calorie English muffin. That is roughly 195 calories right there.

Lunch will be a sandwich and some steamed veggies I'm sure. If I want a snack I'm going to have an apple with a 60 calorie size serving of light n' fit yogurt. Dinner will probably be a lean cuisine (I don't cook dinner on Wednesday nights). I'll probably have a couple alcoholic drinks averaging 100 calories each. Plus my jogging burns off around 185 calories so that should help some too.

Alright off to fix breakfast and hang out with the kiddo.

Monday, July 27, 2009

13 days left

Alright here's the skinny. I did not get up at 6am and go for my almost two mile jog. I did however go for my almost two mile jog around 1pm this afternoon so i'm still counting it. I didn't do as bad as I thought I would. I jogged most of it, but walked some here and there. I survived. Haha victory is mine. Not only did I do the jog, my husband and I went for a walk around 5pm this afternoon (about a mile and a half) at the park. The weather has been fantastic today. Overcast with some rain showers here and there and the temperature has been around 80 so we took advantage of it.

Breakfast I had the egg beaters and laughing cow cheese concoction on a low calorie english muffin. Lunch consisted of a chicken pesto sandwich from Which Wich (not sure how many calories were in that!). I only had the sandwich though! Dinner was some Tyson chicken nuggets, steamed red potatoes, and steamed asparagus. Yum-o! I'm channeling Rachael Ray apparently.

Tomorrow I will be going for my MORNING jog for sure! I hope to get some additional exercise in there somewhere along the way as well.

I have all the supplies I need now to make the low calorie margaritas from hungry girl. Don't think I'll try those out tonight though. I also picked up some stuff to make some low calorie brownie-like muffins also from Hungry Girl. Hope those are as yummy as she made them out to be.

I know that tomorrow I'm going to go off plan a little. My hubby is off work and we are going to go to breakfast...............something we haven't done in a long long time. And for lunch we are wanting to try out this burger place in Fort Worth that supposedly has some to die for burgers. I don't think I'll be eating any fries with my burger though. Dinner will probably be an ice cube to make up for breakfast and lunch lol.

Til tomorrow.

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Friday I weighed myself and my weight was 154.2 which means I only lost .6 lbs but at least I didn't gain I guess. Yes I was hoping for a bigger loss, but at least I lost something.

Over the weekend we went out of town to see my parents. My mom made a millionaire pie (yes a damn millionaire pie!) and I had a slice yesterday and one today. I didn't do horribly; i could have done a lot worse thats for sure. I didn't do great either though.

Tomorrow is D day..............damn I've really gotta get up and go for a jog day. I keep telling myself that it is only 15 days. 15 days seems manageable to me. I have to remind myself in the morning (and every morning I'm sure) why I'm doing look hot of course. But seriously I really gotta lose this damn weight. I can't afford a tummy tuck so I guess I gotta do it the old fashioned way. Fuck!

Tomorrow I am also back on plan. I did find a few helpful and interesting recipes for some low calorie foods from I'm going to try out the egg beaters with laughing cow cheese mixture that sounds really good. I'm also going to try out some low calorie margarita recipes. Yay! I haven't had a margarita in SO LONG. I also picked up some boca burgers. I used to eat those quite a bit, but apparently I forgot all about them. I'm planning on having one on a 100 calorie English muffin with a little light mayo or mustard.

I'm still loving my steamed veggies. Thank God for Zip n' steam bags. Those are my absolute favorite things on this planet. Chicken is amazing cooked in them. Love em!

Alright, til tomorrow!

Thursday, July 23, 2009


I've done very well on my diet today even though I started out very frustrated. I still stuck to it. Breakfast was a hard boiled egg, lunch homemade tuna salad sandwich with 100 calorie bag of popcorn, dinner stir fry chicken with brown rice. I've had one glass of wine and I plan on having a full fledged crown and coke later on. I haven't had one of those in quite a while, so I'm going to tonight. I also did my walk away the pounds dvd.

This weekend we are going to my parents. I'm hoping that the food temptations will not be super strong; i know my mom will probably bake at least one dessert if not two.

I came up with an idea to increase my cardio and I'm going to go ahead and publish it. If I actually write it out, then I have a higher chance of following through with it. My plan is for the next three weeks to get up around 6 give or take a snooze or two and go for a walk/jog around my neighborhood every morning, Monday through Friday. In addition, I will also continue doing my walk away the pounds dvd during the day if possible. I've got to get this weight off and I really think adding the extra exercise will definitely help. So there it is. Starting on Monday I'm going for a walk/jog in the morning. P.S. I'm not at all a morning person!

7/23 (frustrated)

I weighed myself this morning and I have gained a pound since last Friday. Yes I realize today is Thursday and not Friday, but I've done really good this week (with the exception of my little Snickers splurge).

I don't know what to do. I'm a firm believer in eating right and exercising and viola the weight will come off. But its not coming off, that's the problem. I haven't gotten to exercise as much this week as I normally do. And I don't think my thirty minutes of walking/jogging is enough exercise. I really need to burn more calories than what I'm doing. I need to exercise more, but unfortunately at this point I can't. I have a ten month old at home so I can't really go to the gym. Yes gyms have babysitting, but I don't want him to be exposed to that many kids and that many germs as young as he is. Plus he's been quite cranky lately, so I don't want to have to go all the way to the gym only to be there for ten minutes and have to leave because my child is cranky. When school starts I've got to force myself to go after school at least two times a week. I'd really love to go three, but I'm going to start out with two. At this point I'm not sure if I'm going to reach my goal of pre baby weight by Brett's first birthday and that is really upsetting to me.

I don't want to try a fad diet because we all know how those work out. I have been thinking about the possibility of diet pills. I just don't know what to do. I feel so defeated. I'm doing so good on my diet. I don't snack, I don't eat chocolate, I do sooo good. I don't eat fast food except for Subway or Boston Market. I used to eat fast food all the time! I hate this feeling.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

diet 7/21

Today I went a little off plan.

I started out strong, hard boiled egg for breakfast. For lunch I met my husband at Mimi's Cafe. There I had a house salad with ranch on the side and the lunch portion of the petit citrus salmon with some kind of greens and strawberries tossed in a balsalmic dressing of some sort. I was less than impressed with my salmon. It was a very small portion and it just wasn't as flavorful as I was hoping/expecting.

The thing that really got me off plan was child. Ever since he turned 10 months old (last Saturday) he's been a royal terror. Friday he cried nonstop, Saturday he was fussy, Sunday he was somewhat normal, yesterday he was fussy in the afternoon, and well he was a complete fuss bucket! He is usually great out in public, but when we were at the restaurant he cried and fussed and pouted until someone held him. This little incident sent me running for comfort, comfort from a long lost friend.................chocolate. I went to Target after lunch and thought of all the wonderful things I could sink my teeth into. I even thought about going to Corner Bakery (which is right next door) for a chocolate baby bundt cake. In the end I chose a Snicker's candy bar. No, this wasn't the best choice I probably could have made, but it was a lot better than some of the other thoughts running through my head. So, I ate every bite of that candy bar and enjoyed it to the fullest. I did indeed feel quite a bit better afterward. I don't even think I felt guilty about it.

Dinner consisted of grilled broccoli and mushrooms along with 2 very small very petite bacon-wrapped filets. Did I necessarily need 2 I was hungry. Lunch wasn't very satisfying. I also consumed 2 Miller Chills...................thus far. I'm sure I may have another one later on or a cranberry juice with blueberry vodka. We shall see.

All in all I don't think I did too horribly on my diet today. I did not work out at all, so that will probably hinder me more than my food choices did. Tomorrow should be a regular day and I should be able to exercise. I'm not too worried about it at this point. I've got Wednesday and Thursday to do really good (I weigh myself for record on Friday mornings).

Alcohol and Dieting 7/21

I must must must be able to drink on a diet, or else the diet will go away very quickly. A few drinks I enjoy while dieting (because they have less calories) Bud Lite with Lime or Miller Chill (about 100 calories). I also recently discovered blueberry vodka. This is very good mixed with light cranberry juice (about 150 calories). I splurge every now and then and have either crown and coke or coconut rum and coke or coconut rum and pineapple juice. I also enjoy drinking Hornsby's or Woodchuck. These have about 200 calories as opposed to just 100 for the Bud Lite or Miller, so I don't have these two very often. My new favorite wine is blush. I always liked riesling or muscat canelli, but I must say the blush is becoming my new favorite. Hopefully I will discover other alcoholic beverages with fewer calories than normal.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Diet (blah!) 7/20

I decided that I'm going to try to blog about my diet each day in hopes that it will keep me on board and accountable for my actions (all of them).

After giving birth ten months ago, I've still got about 15 lbs. of baby weight still hanging around. I was staying steadily around 160 for a while, but then had a few stressful months which dropped me down to teetering around 155. That means I've got 15 lbs to lose to be back to pre baby (and I really want to be down to about 135, so that really translates into 20 lbs.)

When I was younger and inspired to lose weight due to my impending wedding, I was able to shed close to 20 lbs in roughly six months. I'm hoping it doesn't take that long this time. Yes its been ten months already and I've only really lost 5 lbs, but I really didn't try THAT HARD to lose the weight the last ten months. I was more concerned with sleep for about the first four months then I was about losing weight. But now that my child is older and easier (somewhat) to take care of, I can concentrate more on looking (and feeling) good. To me looking good does have to do with my weight. When I weigh less I feel more confident and I think I look a lot better too.

I started dieting for real last week. July 11th was a day of major splurging as was July 12th. July 13th was operation diet! I did fabulously all last week. I weighed myself on Friday (July 17th) and the scale showed 154.8. I made a goal for myself to be down to 150 by the Motley Crue concert (Aug. 8th). Gotta look hot for my crush Tommy! That means basically 5lbs. in three weeks. Saturday, July 18th was my splurge day. I feel it is important to have one day where you can splurge a little to reward yourself for doing so well and so you don't feel like you are only eating carrots and celery all the time. Saturday my dear husband and I decided to go to Red Lobster. Here I consumed the salad with a little bit of ranch dressing, one yummy biscuit, the lunch portion of shrimp linguinie alfredo, and DH and I shared an appetizer of stuffed mushrooms and calamari. I left feeling full and satisfied! Later that evening I had some bluebell ice cream (not a whole lot or anything). Saturday was very good in my book. Sunday (yesterday) I was back on plan. The only real splurge came at dinner time. We had whole wheat penne pasta with marinara sauce and two slices of garlic cheese toast.

Today I'm on plan again and doing well. I've had a hard boiled egg with Franks Red Hot for breakfast. Lunch consisted of a turkey sandwich and about ten baked lays potato chips along with an apple and light 'n fit yogurt as my "dipping sauce". I hate yogurt by itself so I disguise it as best I can. My calories consumed thus far are roughly 420. I do not count calories for fresh fruit or steamed vegetables. Plus, I did walk away the pounds the 2 mile walk/jog interval. My dinner is going to be shake n bake pork chops (2 thin slices of pork chops), steamed green beans, and about a cup of garden vegetable rice (Uncle Ben's microwaveable rice). I also plan on having a few alcoholic beverages. More to come on that.